selecting objects:

     To select an object, you can either click on its axis in the edit
     window, or use the object selection window (Edit>>object selection, or
     press W). You can also use the Edit menu to select a group of objects.


     The object's axis is represented by a small black dot in the main edit
     window, with two lines sticking out of it, with X, Y or Z on them.

     Clicking on it, selects this object, plus all of the sub objects 
     contained within it.

     Selection window:

     This one works pretty much like a file requestor in amigaDOS. Click
     once on the object you want to select, to move inside an object,
     double click on it. To go back up one level, click on the 'Parent'

     If the 'with sub objects' box is checked, then all of the objects
     within the object you select, will also be selected. Otherwise, it 
     will only select the object you pick.

     The edit menu method:

     If you go to Edit>>select you can choose an extra 4 methods of selecting

          Selects everything in the scene
          Deselects everything
          lets you draw a box around the axes you want to select, which means 
          you can select more than one object at a time
          makes all the inactive objects selected, and the selected ones
